farewell, f_minor

DJ Were-Panda vnvlain at gmail.com
Wed May 15 19:53:35 MDT 2024

Wow...1996.  I can't believe it's been 28 years.  I first joined F minor
back in 1998 under a different email using dialup.  Then several of us met
up in Toronto for the Glenn Gould Conference in 1999.  Got to meet some
cool folks (Solange and Junichi), Glenn's piano tuner, and got to see Yo Yo
Ma perform!  The conference wouldn't have been possible without the F

Thanks everyone for keeping this going for as long as it did.  <3


On Wed, May 15, 2024, 3:36 PM Frank-Herwig Walter <
frank-herwig.walter at online.de> wrote:

> hi karl,
> yes, f_minor has come a long way and we will only realize what we miss
> when it's gone.
> it would be great to keep the archives nevertheless. maybe you'll find
> an affordable way for this.
> thank you and kudos for your enthusiasm and your work for gg and us
> gouldians!
> all the best to you and best regards to all f_minors, frank
> ***
> Am 14.05.2024 um 23:21 schrieb Karl Berry:
> > Hello f_minor - well, it's been a long run since Mary Jo started this
> > mailing list in 1996, but it's time to bid a fond adieu. (Barring some
> > other volunteer coming forward to host it.)  I'm moving my material to a
> > new server, and it's become too painful to again set up the mailing list
> > software. So this list will no longer exist in a few days.
> >
> > I'm not sure yet if I'll be able to keep the archives online. If I do,
> > there be a link on glenngould.org, at least for a while.
> >
> > Yours for GG,
> > Karl
> >
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