farewell, f_minor

Lala Ragimov ragimov at gmail.com
Tue May 14 16:52:29 MDT 2024

Hi Karl,

Please wait a bit, let me ask around, maybe someone will want to host it.
What is the size of the archive?
What does hosting it entail? (Sorry I don't know how these things work, I'm
an artist :)

There is a very nice and well-moderated Glenn Gould group on Facebook with
some dedicated GG fans (and even some first generation Gouldians). I'm sure
some of them might want to do something about it. Here's a link to it:


Thank you,

On Tue, 14 May 2024, 14:24 Karl Berry, <karl at freefriends.org> wrote:

> Hello f_minor - well, it's been a long run since Mary Jo started this
> mailing list in 1996, but it's time to bid a fond adieu. (Barring some
> other volunteer coming forward to host it.)  I'm moving my material to a
> new server, and it's become too painful to again set up the mailing list
> software. So this list will no longer exist in a few days.
> I'm not sure yet if I'll be able to keep the archives online. If I do,
> there be a link on glenngould.org, at least for a while.
> Yours for GG,
> Karl
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