[f_minor] Mahler conducted by GG

Arlene Dick arlenedick at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 8 18:29:06 EST 2011

This is outstanding!  Thank you so much for posting it.



>From: "Houpt, Fred" <fred.houpt at rbc.com>
>To: Discussion of the Canadian pianist Glenn Gould. <f_minor at glenngould.org>
>Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 8:22 AM
>Subject: [f_minor] Mahler conducted by GG
>Hi all,  
>just discovered this now and it's new to me to see such a young GG 
conducting.  His hand movements as conductor are somewhat spastic but the 
music is of course divine.  Enjoy.
>Fred Houpt
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