f_minor is back!

Mary Jo Watts mj.accounts at gmail.com
Sat Jun 1 23:34:52 UTC 2024

You are the bee’s knees!!! Thank you!

Mary Jo

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 1, 2024, at 6:25 PM, Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> wrote:
> Thanks to a friend of mine with a mailman installation, f_minor is back!
> The setup is just about identical, and all archives are present. The
> list address is (still) f_minor at glenngould.org.
> The main url for the list is now (the mailing list web pages are
> at "lists.glenngould.org" but use just "glenngould.org" for email):
>  https://lists.glenngould.org/mailman/listinfo/f_minor
> and the (post-Rutgers) archives are at:
>  https://lists.glenngould.org/pipermail/f_minor
> The archives from the Rutgers hosting (1996-2009) are still at:
>  https://glenngould.org/f_minor/threads.html
> Before, freefriends.org (my own domain) would sometimes show up in the
> mail headers (just in case anyone was filtering mail based on the
> headers), but that shouldn't happen any more; just use glenngould.org.
> I also slightly updated the general web page at https://glenngould.org.
> Let me know about broken links or any other changes.
> Thanks,
> Karl

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