farewell, f_minor

黄鸟厨 hym2209268914 at gmail.com
Sat May 18 10:36:02 MDT 2024

I only knew this mailing list two years ago by searching some stuff
about glenn gould on google, since then I became a die-hard fan of GG
and found so many similarities between me and him. It has been so much
a joy reading the archives(I have always enjoyed digging the
archives). I sure know something about UNIX system management (as a
computer science student), but probably not familiar with mail enough
to set up the GNU mailman. At least I would help to setup the wayback
machine though, which has already began, and I am seeing that I am the
first archiver of many pages. I may also be hosting a mirror on my VPS
in case archive.org somehow fails in the future yet to come.

For anyone also interested in helping to do the archival work, I
suggest using their S3-like API rather than just curl the save
webpage, in forms like this bash command:

while IFS= read -r line; do curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: LOW youraccesskeyhere:yourprivatekeyhere" -d
"https://web.archive.org/save"; sleep 30; done <
see this document

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