farewell, f_minor

John DeGood jdegood at gmail.com
Fri May 17 16:24:02 MDT 2024

I've been a member since Mary Jo started the list as a Rutgers grad 
student. The many interesting and thoughtful discussions that have taken 
place here over nearly 30 years are a valuable resource. I hope the list 
archives will be preserved and can remain accessible.

Browsing those many years of messages brings back a flood of memories of 
members I never met in person but whom I regard as friends, e.g., Elmer 
Elevator aka Bob Merkin, Fred Houpt, maryellen jensen, Anne M. Marble, 
and many more.

Thank you Mary Jo and Karl for hosting this forum for so many years.


On 5/14/2024 5:21 PM, Karl Berry wrote:
> Hello f_minor - well, it's been a long run since Mary Jo started this
> mailing list in 1996, but it's time to bid a fond adieu. (Barring some
> other volunteer coming forward to host it.)  I'm moving my material to a
> new server, and it's become too painful to again set up the mailing list
> software. So this list will no longer exist in a few days.
> I'm not sure yet if I'll be able to keep the archives online. If I do,
> there be a link on glenngould.org, at least for a while.
> Yours for GG,
> Karl

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