[f_minor] How Mozart telecast

Faye fperkins90 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 13 07:44:13 MDT 2014

Dear members of F Minor,

I appreciate your frustration in not being able to purchase or see Gould's film, "How Mozart Became A Bad Composer", but on behalf of the Glenn Gould Estate, we are trying to rectify that.  The rights issues are complicated and they are not as simple or logical as they look from the outside.  Sometimes it is a challenge to obtain common sense, but slowly, we are making progress.  We hope to see this available commercially within a couple of months.

Our new Glenn Gould website is live and can be found at www.glenngould.net   On this site, we plan to create a Gould timeline, news updates about Gould related activity around the world, a store, and music/video streams.  Within the next 10 days, there will be a Glenn Gould discussion area, which will be moderated through us, with the intention of furthering academic inquiry in many different areas.  If you are interested in taking part through registration, please go to this link:   http://www.discussion.glenngould.net/ucp.php?mode=register   This is not intended to replace F Minor, but it is intended to share official Gould related news items and his legacy more broadly.  

Please feel free to send me your feedback and suggestions moving forward.

In case you haven't heard, there will be a trip to Wawa this September.  Click here if you are interested:  https://th038wq008.boxpro.net/c2bownet.asp

And, Soulpepper Theatre in Toronto is re-launching David Young's play, "Glenn", starting on August 26.  More news on that will be found on our website soon.

Thanks again for ongoing interest and ideas related to Glenn Gould.  I look forward to more…

Best regards,

Faye Perkins
On behalf the Glenn Gould Estate

On Saturday, May 24, 2014 12:23:48 PM, maryellen jensen <maryellenjensen28 at hotmail.com> wrote:

  Following on the general frustration of fellow Gouldians such as Pat, does anyone reckon that the venerable Paley Center would be amenable to a short term 'lending' of the telecast "How Mozart Became A Bad Composer" to the Glenn Gould Foundation website for, say, three broadcasts on differing dates within a one week window? 
  Hasn't the Glenn Gould Foundation already featured a documentary in the same fashion a few years ago?

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