[f_minor] Perfectionism and Deterioration

Timothy Conway timcon at comswest.net.au
Tue Jul 23 21:33:05 MDT 2013

 Hello Pat,

On 24/07/2013, at 3:29 AM, "Pat" <pzumst at bluewin.ch> wrote:

> How come a man who was a prefectionist to the level of Control Freak when it came to playing and recording his music hung on to the same piano for years, even when it had been severely damaged in the early 70s and it would probably have been cheaper and easier to find a new one that would fit the high standards of Mr. Gould ? Instead he spent money on expensive repairs, renovations etc and he even made a recording on that bleeding harpspiano or whatever that monstrosity is called bacause CD318 was not available. Sheer sentimentality ? Fear of the New Unknown Instrument ?

It's all explained in Katie Hafner's book, "A Romance on Three Legs: Glenn Gould's Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Piano", Bloomsbury, ISBN-13: 978-1-59691-525-1, possibly the best book about GG I have read.

-- Tim Conway

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