[f_minor] Glenn Gould Google Doodle ?

Kpapademas at aol.com Kpapademas at aol.com
Mon Jun 11 09:57:41 PDT 2012

Karl and Pat - don't forget "Bing" as another addition for GG's B-Day  
Anniv. Bing offers search engine capabilities as well and it usually has nice  
backgrounds (background of the famous Moscow photograph) and what about 
Safari  for the Mac Lovers (tell Tim Cook of Apple that Steve Jobs listened to  
In a message dated 6/11/2012 11:05:19 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
pzumst at bluewin.ch writes:

Hi Karl, all
That sounds brilliant ! Yay ! 
I must get in contact with the person who made the artwork.  Could be that 
it was on f_minor before but anyways once I’ll have it I will  post it. Even 
if the nice folks at Google will accept the idea they will most  likely 
come up with their own artwork, but we shall see.
Just last weekend there was a Google Doodle up for Johann  Gottfried Galle. 
Now most of you will shrug and hit that doodle just to find  out that he 
was one of the discoverers of the planet Neptune. Now your natural  couriosity 
has been satifsfied, you know something more, even if it would only  be for 
the next pub quiz. 
And this is where we can get ‘em. 
I do believe that such a doodle on GG’s birthday could raise  the awareness 
for his lasting legacy. Granted, not every Google user will rush  out to 
the next record store or hop over to iTunes but if his audiance ranges  from 
pianists and classical music afficionados to houswives in Texas, aging  
hippies and disillusioned rock listeners then why not ? Good music will find  
you, eventually.
I would also bet that even within classical music (a small  niche these 
days) there are people who never heard of GG before.
(It would be nice to have a car radio similar to the one on  that GG CD-ROM 
from years ago below the doodle, but that is probably just  whishful 
Landscape Windscreen on youtube

From: _Karl Brown_ (mailto:kbrown at physics.carleton.ca)  
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 5:13 PM
To: _Discussion of the Canadian pianist Glenn  Gould._ 
(mailto:f_minor at glenngould.org)  
Subject: Re: [f_minor] Glenn Gould Google Doodle  ?


Good  morning Pat,

Wrt your original request, I may have a Google contact,  please stay 
posted, I should have something by the end of this week (time is  of the essence, 
I know!!). I also have someone interested in the art work if  you are 

Kind regards,


On  08-Jun-2012 15:16, Pat wrote:  
Hi Karl, all
Oh dear ! Of course I meant the 25th. 
My word indeed, what was I thinking ?? How  embarrasing...good grief, and 
there is at least one typo as well ! I  apologize to all painters for that 
and thank Karl for pointing it out. Maybe  I should turn the auto-correct on 

From: _Karl  Brown_ (mailto:kbrown at physics.carleton.ca)  
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 8:50 PM
To: _Discussion of  the Canadian pianist Glenn Gould._ 
(mailto:f_minor at glenngould.org)  
Subject: Re: [f_minor] Glenn Gould Google Doodle  ?


Good  afternoon Pat,

First & foremost, I have never been nor do I ever  want o be a paniter ... 
what an insult !! (just kidding)

Secondly, is  there any particular reason why you would want to have a 
Google Doodle the  day after GG's birthday and not on the  25th?



On 08-Jun-2012 13:36, Pat wrote:  
Dear list
Just recently the great synth pioneer Bob Moog was  honored with a Google 
Doodle. You might remember hitting Google and seeing  the virtual replica of 
something that vaguely looked like a MiniMoog some  2 weeks back. Ah, my 
heart leapt with joy !!
Goggle sometimes has these doodles to honor paniters,  artists, tech nerds 
or scientists like Alan Turing or does something  special on days like 
Canada Day or Switzerland’s 1st of August National  Celebration Day for the 
respective local sites. Examples can be found  here:
Now this is not my idea but some of us are wondering if  it is possible to 
get GG as a GoogleDoodle on Sept 26th worldwide. Not  just Canada but the 
rest of the planet as well. Trouble is that it is  rather difficult to get in 
contact with Fortress Google. I do know that  drawings/sketches for a doodle 
exist and that the GGF is basically in  agreement and has given the green 
light. But alas, they can’t get into  Fortress Google either as I understand.
But if you and I want this to happen with GG I reckon  one should start 
shifting gears now.
Now what do y’all reckon about having a GG Google  Doodle, possibly 
worldwide on his 80th birthday ? What could or must be  done to get this going ? 
And does anybody know the way into  Mordor Google, possibly via the back door ?
Landscape Windscreen on  youtube





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