[f_minor] F-minor: Coming DVDs from CBC

Jörgen Lundmark jorgen.lundmark at sundsvall.nu
Mon Jun 6 17:48:48 EDT 2011

Hello Marco,

This is what I wrote some time back:

Hello everyone,

At last a substantial addition to the Gould discography:

For many the most interesting item will be the live Goldberg from a 
recital in Vancouver in 1958. As a Swede I'm especially happy that the 
previously unreleased Bach Dminor from Stockholm is included, as is the 
Schoenberg songs with the Swedish singer Kerstin Meyer. All in all, this 
is by far the most important release of GG recordings in years.

The excellent liner notes are by Kevin Bazzana -- who else! The less 
good news, for some of us, is that this box will unfortunately not be 
for sale in the USA.


> Jorgen,
>     thanks for the news: I will try to secure the CBC dvds as soon as 
> they are out.
> However, I must have missed something.   Could you please give us some 
> information about the new Music&Arts box?  I haven't found any 
> reference to it: years ago, this label used to sell some Gouldian CDs, 
> but I think they were removed from the catalogue for copyright 
> reasons.   I would indeed be very glad if they were available again.
> Regards
> Marco 

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