[f_minor] books on gg

Elaine Parks elaine19c at yahoo.ca
Fri Jul 9 23:17:47 EDT 2010

Hi everyone,
 These threads get very long very fast! I tend to get lost in them.
 Re the books on GG I've read almost all of them and K Bazzana's "Wondrous Strange" is essential but I particularly love Geoffrey Payzant's "Glenn Glould, Music and Mind" which was the first book written on Gould, and written in fact in GG's lifetime and reviewed by GG himself! (What a character!) Gould thought highly of this book and it truly is mostly about the music and the mind behind the music, not about the eccentricities/health issues/love life which have been the focus of some other authors. I had Mr. Payzant as a philosophy professor and he was an interesting and kind man himself.
 Some of GG's pianos are on display in Toronto, it's nice to see them and think what wonderful music he made with them.
As for the gravesite, it's a simple monument, and the notes are fading a bit now. I go once in a while as it's a beautiful walk in nice weather and the trees are lovely. 
Has everyone seen Bruno Monsaingeon's documentaries on GG? I have 2 which are very nicely done with lots of Gould's playing in them which is so exquisite. Still looking for the ones I don't have, I think he made seven in total.Regards, Elaine

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